How You Can Increase Your Chances of Employment by Getting a High Risk Work Licence

Competitions for jobs across Australia can be very tough, with hundreds if not thousands of applicants trying to get the same few positions. To try and get a job, most people will do almost anything to get an edge over their competitors, but many don't realise that the best edge you can have is more qualifications. More often than not, the best-qualified person will get the job, or at the very least get an interview for the role. That is why, if you work in construction, you should definitely consider getting a high risk work licence to increase your odds of employment. 

What Is a High Risk Work Licence?

A high risk work licence is a broad term for a number of different permits that allow you to work with specialised machinery. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' high risk work licence, rather you need to choose a particular machine or piece of equipment that you feel most comfortable with and train in that area. Some of the most common types of high risk work licences include:

  • Cranes, both freestanding and vehicle-based.
  • Scaffolding
  • Forklifts
  • Pressurised Machinery

These are machines and vehicles that are classified as dangerous if you don't have proper training, hence the high risk work licences needed to operate them. 

What Area Should I Choose to Specialise in?

This answer is quite personal to you and depends on two main factors: what do you feel most happy doing and what area has the most open jobs. Remember, the end goal is to end up using these qualifications to secure employment, so taking a practical approach would see you choose the high risk work licence that offers the greatest chance of a job. However, it is important to pick an area that you enjoy, otherwise, you will not put in the time and effort these licences require.

How Long Does It Take?

The time it takes to get a high risk work licence varies depending on the area you choose. Forklift licences can be achieved in two days, while other more niche industries might require a few weeks of learning and hands-on experience before you get your licence. The cost can also vary, especially if you choose to do an expedited course due to time constraints. Whatever the case, all courses will tell you how long they are before you sign up, so if time is of the essence, then make sure you double-check the requirements before signing up. 
